An Educator’s Guide to Healthy Online Relationships

June 10, 2022
An Educator’s Guide to Healthy Online Relationships

Healthy online relationships are critical to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. We are constantly interacting and communicating with others in our fully connected world, and it is important to be able to recognize and acknowledge the difference between a healthy digital relationship and an unhealthy one. The more we can engage in healthy online relationships, the more we can enjoy a higher state of well-being and happiness in this world. Healthy online relationships facilitate meaningful connections with others, encourages and supports personal growth, and allow us to thrive within a digital world where we feel accepted, safe, and heard.

Be on the lookout for the following characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, and be sure to seek out additional support and resources if you find yourself unsafe, trapped, or isolated in a digital environment of an unhealthy online relationship.

Healthy Online Relationships

  1. Supports and Encourages
  2. Embraces Differences
  3. Makes you Feel Good
  4. Demand Free Zone

Unhealthy Online Relationships

  1. Makes you Feel Unsafe
  2. Requests Explicit Photos
  3. Lowers your Self Worth and Confidence
  4. You have to keep it a secret

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